A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings
Client: School Project
Book Cover originally designed in my Graphic Design 1 course in the Fall of 2021 and was redone in the Spring of 2023. The assignment was to create an image The cover consists of photography alterations and illustrations with the use of filters and halftone effects. The photos editing was done in Photoshop and the typefaces and wing illustration was done in Illustrator.
Reflection on the Piece: This project is successful because it is a more modern design of a short story published in the late 1960s. This piece shows a combination of a grungy photo alteration with a more elegant serif and san-serif font to juxtapose the image. A stock image of an old man at the beach was used for the main image, a photo of a paper bag was used as a texture and dry brushes were used in Illustrator to make the text pop against the background.