Tamagotchi Brochure

Client: School Project

Brochure created in the Fall of 2022 for my Graphic Design 4 class. The assignment was to create a brochure/pamphlet about a man made object of our choosing. I had chosen the Japansese 8-bit pocket-sized video game Tamagotchis. After researching the history, product listing and full gameplay I had produced this informative brochure. This project was revisited in Spring of 2023 for my Graphic Design 5 class after receiving critiques from my classmates and professor. Below is the most recent product.

Reflection on the Piece: This project is successful because it shows an understanding of grid styled layout design as well as the stylistic function of a Tri-Fold brochure. The color and image selection is concise and follows the aesthetic of the product depicted with a typeface the compliments the work while remaining legible.


Spooky Sam's Sweet Shoppe & Cafe