Spooky Sam’s Sweet Shoppe & Cafe

Client: School Project

Spooky Sam’s Sweet Shoppe and Cafe is the brand identity for a cafe and sweet shop as an assignment in my Graphic Design 4 class. The assignment was to create a restaurant themed around whatever we wanted so long as the branding matched through all the collateral. I wanted to come up with a restaurant with aesthetic influences of 1700s New England Apothecaries so I looked into old medicine labels, layouts of 18th-century pharmacies, and typefaces that took a modern twist to older text and script. The following collateral was created.

Reflection on the Piece: There have been multiple hours spent on this project creating the different collateral aspects and putting them into mock-ups. Prior to this, I had very little experience with mock-ups and company branding as a whole. The creation of all of these forms of collateral took hours of research and execution into everything from the logo design to the details in the menu, to the imagery used in the company’s cooperate-level stationary. All of the defining characteristics such as the color pallet and the typography [hy are concise through everything which was a lot to work with but promoted the company and it’s aesthetic effectively.


Murray Art Guild


Tamagotchi Brochure